Violations are defined as conducts or omissions that are committed against the general social orders and relate to different areas: public order and peace, traffic safety, economy, customs, taxes, contributions, etc.
Violations are defined as conducts or omissions that are committed against the general social orders and relate to different areas: public order and peace, traffic safety, economy, customs, taxes, contributions, etc. The Misdemeanor Act defines offense as an act , which constitutes a violation of a law, a decree of a government, a decree of self-management, a local community, which is as such determined as an offense and is subject to a sanction for an offense. In everyday life, almost everyone has been convicted of a minor offense, either in the form of a fine or a reminder in the decision, or a fine after a payment order.
Also, in the field of misdemeanor law, the defense of the party is extremely important, therefore it is advisable to start working with an attorney when a procedure is instituted.
We offer legal aid in this area imost often in connection with road traffic offenses and offenses against the interference of public order and peace. We prepare for our clients a statement of violation, an objection against a payment order, a request for judicial protection, and we offer you representation at the examination before the violations body and courts.
We also provide legal assistance in case of violation of salary regulations, recourse, reimbursement of expenses, violation of regulations on the prevention of illegal employment and employment, violation of regulations on the employment of foreigners, violation of the law on inspection supervision, etc.